Coq Noir, Vaucluse © O’Brien


Join a premium ecosystem in Provence

Between exceptional raw materials, technological innovations and a high-performance hospitality offer, setting up your business in Vaucluse Provence is an excellent choice. From sourcing to production through to R & D …


Food, Well-being, and Naturality Competitiveness cluster
1 st
Fruit and vegetable Production, PPam
M.I.N (Market of National interest)
1 st
French Organic Region
Centre of Excellence for plant asset extraction

Are you looking for somewhere to establish your business?

Here we can accelerate your project and help you to succeed!

This predominant sector in the territory, in connection with agricultural production, the food-processing, cosmetics and nutraceuticals industries, is very well structured throughout the Région SUD, with a strong concentration in Vaucluse, which enjoys a strategic geographical location in the heart of the Rhône valley.

Le saviez-vous

Did you know?

Vaucluse in Provence offers an exceptional ecosystem to accommodate your project: tailor-made real estate solutions from the incubation phase in specialised business incubators to food-processing or logistics buildings, a dynamic network of partners, a large pool of skills, a varied training offer, an attractive consumption area, an ideal location and perfectly adapted transport infrastructure…

Huile Plantin


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